Highway driving brings with it a universe of perils. Vehicles constantly changing lanes without signaling, tractor-trailer commercial trucks, disabled vehicles, rear-end collision and the like require drivers to constantly be aware of their surroundings.
If you have been involved in a highway accident, a call to Palm Beach Gardens auto accident lawyers should be at the top of your list. The lawyers at Personal Injury of Florida are experts in the complex field of personal injury law, which requires the steady hand of an experienced attorney at a time when you require a calming influence.
Motor vehicle accidents that take place on highways are especially complex. Only an attorney who has regularly handles such matters should be charged with the duty to successfully navigate your case from inception to conclusion. The first order of business the attorney is to determine liability, or who was responsible for the accident. Highway accidents are often caused by vehicles that fail to signal when changing lanes, high-speed merges, and rear-end collisions that take place at toll plazas or in stop-and-go traffic. Multiple car collisions are common and require even more attention to detail given the inclusion of additional parties, insurance carriers, and, ultimately, attorneys.
Personal Injury of Florida fights on behalf of injured parties for the right to recover monetary compensation for their injuries. This is why a call to a Palm Beach Gardens auto accident attorney at the outset of your case is so important. Consulting with and retaining counsel at the outset of your case is critical to your ultimate success.
Retaining the right lawyer will save you many hours of stress dealing with insurance carriers, doctors, and lawyers. Your sole focus should be on recovery, not phone calls, paperwork, and follow-up with the insurance company. That is the role of the attorney – to represent your interests while you are recovering from trauma brought on by your accident.
January 13, 2020