Man injured from driving a work vehicle

Injured while Driving a Work Vehicle

date iconMarch 27, 2018

inured during work

Many people are fortunate to have a vehicle provided to them by their employer.  If you are one of these people, you may find yourself involved in an auto accident while occupying this work vehicle. You may be asking yourself:

  • Should I report this as a worker’s compensation claim?
  • Should I make a claim for personal injuries?
  • Should I report this to my personal auto insurance carrier?
  • Who will pay my medical bills?
  • What type of lawyer will I need?

File A Worker’s Compensation Claim

There is no simple answer to these questions. The answer will vary depending on a variety of factors. Generally speaking, as long as you are within the course and scope of your employment, you have the right to file a worker’s compensation claim. If the accident was the fault of a third party, then you also have the right to file a claim for personal injuries. At the very least, you will want to report the accident to your employer, the commercial auto insurer on the car you were driving, and your personal automobile insurer. One of the major differences between a worker’s comp claim and a general auto negligence claim is that the work comp carrier will determine which doctors you treat with, while you are free to choose any doctor you desire under the general auto claim. This will determine which insurer will pay the medical bills.

If you find yourself in this scenario, you should consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to help guide you through this maze of questions.  At Personal Injury of Florida, our West Palm Beach accident attorneys can help answer your questions and ensure that all the insurance companies work together to make sure your bills are covered and that you receive the compensation you are entitled to. We can also refer you to a qualified workman’s compensation attorney to assist you on your work comp claim.

Speak directly with an experienced Personal Injury Attorney today at no cost to you.

Call 561-507-5700