When you suddenly find yourself involved in a car accident, you will be facing many situations. These include speaking with police and insurance companies, being treated for serious injuries, and wondering what you will do for income if you are unable to return to your job. If you handle these situations on your own, it will be a recipe for disaster. Rather than make mistakes that cost you the chance to gain much-needed compensation for medical bills, lost income, and other damages, consult with Palm Beach Gardens car accident lawyers at Personal Injury of Florida.
When you are involved in a car accident, insurance companies will use various tactics in an effort to avoid paying compensation for your damages. In addition, they may also attempt to offer you an immediate settlement for an amount that is far below what will be needed to pay medical expenses and replace lost income. Instead of falling victim to these tricks, hire the services of Palm Beach Gardens car accident lawyers and let them negotiate a fair and equitable settlement on your behalf.
Since it is likely you will have suffered serious injuries in your car accident, you will be dealing with numerous medical expenses as well as an extended period of treatment. However, insurance companies and lawyers for the defendant may dispute you are as seriously injured as you claim. If this happens, your attorneys from Personal Injury of Florida can use their expertise in many ways, such as calling on medical specialists to testify as expert witnesses in court. By doing so, they can verify your injuries and make it difficult for others to dispute your claims.
Instead of going it alone in these matters, contact Palm Beach Gardens car accident lawyers at Personal Injury of Florida to schedule a consultation.
January 20, 2020