Personal Counsel
Will My Credit Score Impact my Car Insurance Rates?
Car insurance is a critical asset. This safeguard covers most, if not all financial expenses associated with automobile accidents. That said, this peace of mind costs money and several factors could determine the rates a driver will have to shell out to secure this important benefit. A firm of West Palm Beach accident attorneys called Personal Injury of Florida asks motorists residing in this municipality to read the following blog answering the question how a driver’s credit score will impact their insurance rates. Relationship Between Credit.. [Read More…]
Trouble Paying Your Medical Bills? What To Do Next
When you fall ill or suffer injuries due to the negligence or carelessness of others, you will almost always have medical bills that can quickly escalate into thousands of dollars. As a result, you may find yourself having difficulty making your medical payments, making an already difficult situation much more stressful. Rather than simply sit back and allow others to harass you with collection notices and threats of foreclosure or other issues, it is imperative you take steps to gain maximum compensation for your injuries. To.. [Read More…]