Auto Accidents
What Happens When A Car Accident Claim Exceeds Insurance Limits in Florida?
In 2023, Florida saw over 394,000 traffic accidents. With such staggering numbers, have you ever wondered what happens when a car accident claim exceeds insurance limits in Florida? At Personal Injury of Florida, we’ve seen firsthand how this complex situation can leave individuals facing overwhelming challenges. But don’t worry – we’re here to guide you through your options and help you navigate this process effectively. Florida’s Auto Insurance Requirements Here’s the thing, Florida law requires drivers to carry minimum auto insurance coverage of $10,000 for Personal.. [Read More…]
Uber Accident Injuries in Florida – An Attorney’s Perspective
Getting guidance from a Tampa Uber accident attorney who’s well-versed in Florida’s personal injury laws can help you with what comes next.
Airbag Injuries in Florida – 2 Legal Implications
Your car’s airbag acts like a protective cushion, minimizing the risk of serious injuries during collisions, by cradling your body on impact.
Bodily Injury Claim Against You? Follow These Steps!
We’ll cover the steps you need to take when a false bodily injury claim is made against you, and how to protect your assets.
What Is Careless Driving According to Florida Laws?
In Florida, careless driving is considered a civil traffic offense, and is a form of negligence that occurs when an individual fails to exercise reasonable care or precaution when operating a motor vehicle, resulting in an unsafe situation for those on the road. The consequences of a careless driving charge in Florida can result in fines, suspension of one’s license, and additional civil penalties. If you’ve been charged with such an offense, knowing your rights and seeking legal representation are important first steps to take to.. [Read More…]
Bicycle Helmet Laws in Florida – The Personal Injury Claims Perspective
If you’re planning on taking your bike out for a spin on the trails, or want to take the kids to the local park, make sure to grab your helmets! The bicycle helmet laws in Florida are some of the most stringent in the United States, requiring all riders under the age of 16 to wear them when riding on any public roads, pathways, or sidewalks. In addition to protecting you from serious injury, the Florida helmet law also helps prevent legal liability, and can aid.. [Read More…]
Florida As a No-Fault State: The Meaning for Personal Injuries and Claims
Whether you’ve driven for years, or are still learning, it’s important to know what your rights are in case you’re ever involved, and injured, in a traffic collision. This is especially important for Florida residents, as the Sunshine State implores the use of something called a “No-Fault” law. This phrase can sound pretty confusing at first, as it isn’t very self-explanatory, but is one of the most important fundamental vehicle laws you may come across. So what exactly does it mean, and how does it affect.. [Read More…]
Do Some Attorneys Specialize In Truck Accidents?
The average semi-truck can weigh up to 80,000 lbs when completely loaded. Imagine that amount of weight crashing into a regular passenger vehicle that’s a fraction of its size. Negligent trucking companies cause people to get injured or killed everyday because of accidents involving large commercial trucks, and navigating the legal field can get complex once you are trying to protect your rights and seek compensation. The best way to ensure you get what you deserve is to hire an attorney that has extensive experience with.. [Read More…]
How a truck accident lawyer can help your case?
No one starts their day planning on getting in a truck accident; however, it can happen to anyone at any moment. This can be a life-draining experience that can be more complex if you don’t know how to protect your legal rights, making it extremely frustrating. Often, people think that filing a compensation claim is easy, but that’s not always the case! Luckily some experienced professionals specialize in truck accidents that can be there to help you navigate throughout the process. How Can A Truck Accident.. [Read More…]
A Quick Guide to Stopping Safely on the Highway
The significant volume of traffic often seen coupled with the potentially excessive speeds vehicles travel at while engaging in highway driving might render stopping more challenging than during normal conditions. Personal Injury of Florida, a firm composed of Palm Beach Gardens car accident lawyers, requests frequent highway motorists read the following short blog offering tips regarding proper stoppage techniques. Normal Driving Conditions Avoid Tailgating Safe stoppage on the highway necessitates a motorist to have enough space between their vehicle and other traffic. Tailgating or remaining too.. [Read More…]